Monday, April 10, 2006

Busy bee!!

For last 3 days, I was hectic with different activities. 8th April is Suji's birthday... We celebrated her b'day in our SPANN lab. It was one of the memorable b'day that we celebrated in our comm batch.. we shooted video as well.. Sridhar did very well in this regard. The thing is we used videocam of our lab ;-). Hope we will have the same enthu and enjoyment in upcoming b'days.. whoz b'day is next ?? Yah! its Omkar.. next Raju.. Yeah! you are right its me!!! These are the end days of my IIT life.. passing time with lots of enjoyments... with out worrying about project work... I am literally doing nothing.. Sumo (guide) become very busy these days with his two courses and of course with his new marriage life.. Before Suji's b'day, I was busy in writing profiles of Suji & Namita with Sridhar & Kalyan.. I didn't expect that we will write such lengthy profiles.... I will post after their Valfi. Suji gave her b'day treat in Chakra restaurant in Sakenaka. The party was awesome with delicious course.. We enjoyed it.. and after that ice creams at Naturals.. I ate two icreams.. God is really great.. no no.. man is really great he made ice cream.. sorry.. Naturals shope wala is great.. such a tasty onces. Sunday I was busy with my TA duty.. Now I should stop writing this and do my project..

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